For fiction writers, StoryMill provides features like word frequency counting, a cliche meter, and a progress meter to help meet your writing goal. Take A Picture so you can make backup copies of your work before making those experimental changes. A Small Sampling of the StoryMill's Feature Set: Dynamic Outlining, Track, tag and filter characters, scenes, locations, and research. dvd-storymill-500 Writing Software, Writing Tools, Wine Reviews, Novelist. Looking for a reliable productivity app Check out ZenTasktic, my very own iOS / macOS productivity booster. Under the 'Text Menu' there are two options to 'Create new chapter from selection' and to 'Create new scene from selection' but they never seem to be available-the menu item is dimmed. StoryMill is incredibly flexible: it can simply be a nononsense place to write and revise using its distraction-free fullscreen and powerful annotations, or a complete database of every character, location, and scene that makes up your novel. See more ideas about writing software, small business apps, small business. Why doesnt StoryMill save my project file Jim Henson.

Built from the ground up for Mac OS X, StoryMill offers an innovative way to channel and fine tune the creative writing process. StoryMill introduces aspiring authors to multi-level writing methods of tracking characters, scenes, and locations, while professional writers will appreciate StoryMill's timesaving ability to oversee and manage the full creative process with Smart Views. Part word processor, part database,StoryMill provides every author with the tools essential to writing a best seller: everything from project-wide annotations to centuries-spanning timelines, an industry first. View more in Video Editing and Production.View more in School and Office Supplies.View more in Classroom Storage and Furniture.View more in Software, Services, and Training.