First to cushion fall or dive, good round but military ammo at that time was notoriously pure an. Lots of B’S out there, rifle was heavy, had a weak spot on stock that could break if grunt hit rifle but. So….anyone familiar with the rifle and its quirks? I have heard some nasty things about the rifle BUT it was used for so many years and is probably still used in parts of Africa. the trouble is with which receiver you get either centimeter or inch…… 308 Rifle the British used for man years…… you can find complete parts kits for them …. One more question on the FNL/SLR ( I think it is called.)It is. You will have to get the frame/receiver from someone with an FFL license…. You can find several other firearm kits to build various firearms. IF someone is interested in building their own M-1 Garand, one can order complete parts kits and other parts. The adapters have had some issues failing….cracking or some other potential catastrophic failures. 308 or has the adapter…….BEFORE you fire it. 308 have a competent gunsmith check it out and see IF it is an original in. If you acquire a new to you M-1 Garand CONGA-RATS! If it is in. The a it worked one inserted the adapter into the chamber and fired a blank round to seat the adapter. Then someone came up with an adapter to change the caliber from 30.06 to. I want to say they were made for the Navy for some reason. There were very few models of the American made Garands made in.